Ayurvedic Fall Cleanse

Sept 18 - 29, 2021 (12 days)

I look forward to this traditional Ayurvedic Autumn Cleanse each fall and especially this year. For most of us, Covid stress and uncertainty continues to influenced our eating habits (anyone else out there gained a few pounds?), sleeping patterns, ability to think, function, work, and be in relationship with ourselves and others. Are you ready to reset your digestive fire, eliminate unhealthy food cravings, and strengthen your immune system for a healthier fall and winter?

I hope you will join me for this very accessible and easy to follow 12-day cleanse that uses protocols from one of the oldest holistic healthcare systems in the world, Ayurveda.

There are 3 things in particular that I like about a traditional Ayurvedic cleanse:

  •  My body feels nourished with plenty of delicious food. I don’t feel deprived.
  •  The daily routines are easy and doable and their benefits often felt immediately.
  •  It is broken up into three 4-day sections that make it easy to honor and follow.


What is an Ayurvedic cleanse?

Every day 60% of our energy goes towards digesting what we take in to the body! In this cleanse, we eat easy-to-digest foods so the digestive tract doesn’t have to work so hard. This invites the body to rest, repair, and rejuvenate.

That said, an Ayurvedic cleanse is meant to pull toxins out of tissues and into circulation so they can be eliminated. Even though this cleanse is gentle, you may feel occasional ups and downs emotionally and physically. To support you, the Ayurvedic cleanse includes lots of healthy, calming daily routines that nourish you mentally, emotionally, and physically.

A staple food in the cleanse is kitchari (rice or quinoa, split mung beans, ghee, and spices). Kitchari is healing to the digestive tract and ghee effectively pulls toxins from fat cells. For those who are allergic or intolerant of dairy, there are alternatives to ghee for the cleanse.

Why cleanse in the fall?

Natural good health requires us to respect and honor the seasons of a year and the seasons of our lives. The cleanse guides the process of resetting our digestion and supports the gradual removal of excess toxins from our tissues as we move from the hot/pitta summer into the cool/vata fall.  All of nature is letting go in autumn and it is a natural time for our bodies to do the same. A build up of toxins can affect our emotions, mental clarity, and the immune system.

Ayurveda teaches that the old adage “You are what you eat” is just the beginning. The truth is that YOU are what you can DIGEST, what you can ABSORB, and what you CAN’T let go of!

Our lymph system is critical for detoxifying the body and helping us absorb nutrients. And the Autumn cleanse helps to open the detox channels of the body to reset fat metabolism. 

To do a traditional Ayurvedic cleanse in community with others provides a base and support for the whole process.

Benefits of an Ayurvedic Cleanse

  • Supports maintenance of healthy body weight
  • Improves energy level and sense of vitality
  • Calms the central nervous system
  • Supports a calm and clear mind
  • Promotes regular and healthy elimination
  • Helps restore good sleep

Online Traditional Ayurvedic Fall Cleanse

Sept 18 - 29, 2021

12 day cleanse (4 day pre-cleanse, 4 day main cleanse, 4 day post-cleanse)

To maintain good health moving from summer to fall, it is important to reset fat metabolism and eliminate the built-up of toxins. This traditional Ayurveda Fall Cleanse uses daily routines, food, movement, and breathing techniques to help the body reset and rejuvenate.


  • Pre-cleanse group zoom call (1 hour) and other short informational videos.
  • Handouts (details, instructions, grocery lists, answers to common questions)
  • Tips for a successful cleanse when your family members aren’t participating
  • Access to private group FB page for sharing experiences, questions, and comments

May I vary the dates of my cleanse?

Absolutely. The important thing is to get registered so you begin receiving support information.


  • The pre-cleanse group zoom meeting will be on Tuesday,  Sept 14th at 7pm EST.  
  • The group cleanse starts Saturday, September 18th. It consists of a 4-day pre-cleanse, 4-day main cleanse, and 4-day post-cleanse.  The instructions for each segment are clear and easy to follow. If you need to vary your start date by a few days, it is fine. Just be sure to let Kelley know ahead of time. If you are menstruating, it is preferred that you are not bleeding during the main 4-day phase of the cleanse.

Who should NOT do a cleanse at this time?

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding or if your body is in a weakened or debilitated state, cleansing is not recommended. If you are being treated by a doctor for any medical condition, speak with your medical professional before registering for the cleanse.

Next Steps

Once registered, you will receive a confirmation email, waiver, and tips to make your cleanse more successful. I look forward to working with you!