A Note from Kelley

CLEANSE LITE (Food Reboot)
If you would appreciate the long term benefits of cleaning up your diet over 12 days, but are not interested in a full traditional Ayurveda Cleanse, the FOOD REBOOT is perfect for you.

Over 12 days, you will take a break from alcohol, get rid of sugar and carb cravings, enjoy stable energy throughout the day, and lose a little weight. And you’ll get 40+ great recipes you can use year-round for healthy eating.

And if you are ready to learn a lot more about Ayurveda and foods while enjoying a time-tested healthy food cleanse that jump starts your fat burning ability, eliminates cravings, reduces inflammation, leaves you with mental clarity and great energy throughout your day, dive into the traditional AYURVEDA FOOD CLEANSE. 

Both are 12 days.
And include lots of personal attention from me.
Oct 22- Nov 2
Check them both out!

The Food Reboot
April 21 - May 2


Ayurveda Food Cleanse
April 21 - May 2


Which is right for YOU?

How the 2 options are similar:

  • Both are 12 days long and based on Ayurveda teachings.
  • They both eliminate most of the primary culprits that drive inflammation, indigestion, stagnation, intolerance/allergies, and cravings.
  • And both options offer powerful daily rituals that ground you in your body and help your lymph system flow properly.

How the 2 options are different:

The Food Reboot is more lenient with food categories and options for cooked and raw foods.

The traditional Ayurveda Food Cleanse is primarily cooked, easy-to-digest foods with the goals of giving your digestion a break, healing your digestive tract, getting rid of fat soluble toxins in your tissues, and kick-starting your ability to burn fat.



What is the Food Reboot?

For 12 days we eat a delicious variety of vegetables and beans/legumes along with the following in
moderation: seeds and some fruits; eggs or egg whites (if you tolerate eggs well), a few whole grains, small amounts of healthy oils, and coffee (black and in the morning only) if you drink it.

During the 12 days, we eliminate dairy, wheat, gluten, sweeteners/added sugar, nuts, meat, alcohol, fish, most grains, carbonated beverages, and highly processed foods.

Why Consider the Food Reboot?

The 12-day fall Food Reboot is a great way to rekindle your digestive fire, lose a few pounds, and feel light and clear-headed again.

Many “diets” work for the short term because they employ the “Eat this. Don’t eat that.” rule. But long term we tend to go back to our old habits quickly. The Food Reboot is not a diet. It teaches you about food combining and how to eat so that you are not hungry between meals. And it is chock full of meal plan ideas.

Once you start eating this way and feel the difference in your body, you just continue expanding your healthy choices. Then whenever you find yourself going off the rails, you can come back to the Food Reboot to reestablish your ground.

In addition to lots of new recipes, you’ll learn daily rituals that keep you feeling grounded and aware of how steady your energy is through the day.

Benefits of the Food Reboot?

  • Supports maintenance of a healthy body weight.

  • Promotes regular, healthy elimination and a stronger immune system.

  • Reduces/eliminates food cravings.

  • Supports steady energy throughout your day.

The No-Cleanse Food Reboot

April 21 - May 2

The Food Reboot includes:

  • A 10 minute video on kitchen/food prep
  • Group “Getting Started” Zoom call Wednesday April 17@ 7pm.  Tips from Kelley and past participants. Will be recorded.
  • An online manual with instructions, grocery list, answers to common questions, and meal plan suggestions.
  • Private Facebook page for sharing, photos, videos, questions and answers


What is an Ayurvedic cleanse?

Every day 60% of our energy goes towards digesting what we take in to the body! In this cleanse, we eat easy-to-digest foods so the digestive tract doesn’t have to work so hard. This invites the body to rest, repair, and rejuvenate.

An Ayurvedic cleanse pulls toxins out of tissues and into circulation so they can be eliminated. Even though this cleanse is gentle, you may feel occasional ups and downs emotionally and physically. To support you, the Ayurvedic cleanse includes lots of healthy, calming daily routines that nourish you mentally, emotionally, and physically.

 A staple food in the cleanse is kitchari (rice, split mung beans, ghee, and spices). Kitchari is easy-to-digest and healing to the digestive tract. Ghee, the primary fat in the cleanse, is also easy to digest and often acceptable by people with a dairy intolerance. For those allergic or who choose not to take ghee, there are alternatives.

Why is a food cleanse important in the spring and fall?

Winter and summer are powerhouse seasons for indoor and outdoor gatherings where food, drinks, and desserts abound. It’s all wonderful, but by spring and fall many of us are ready to hit the reset button on food choices.  The 12-day food cleanse is a great way to rekindle your digestive fire and feel light and clear again.

There are 3 things in particular that I like about a traditional Ayurvedic cleanse:

  •  My body feels nourished with plenty of delicious food. I don’t feel deprived.
  •  The daily routines are easy and doable and their benefits often felt immediately.
  •  It is broken up into three 4-day sections that make it easy to honor and follow.

Benefits of an Ayurvedic Cleanse

  • Supports maintenance of healthy body weight.
  • Helps your body burn fat efficiently.
  • Improves energy level and sense of vitality.
  • Calms the central nervous system.
  • Supports a calm and clear mind.
  • Promotes regular and healthy elimination.
  • Helps restore good sleep.

Traditional Ayurveda Fall Cleanse

April 21 - May 2

12 day cleanse (4 day pre-cleanse, 4 day main cleanse, 4 day post-cleanse)

This traditional Ayurveda Fall Cleanse uses daily routines, food, movement, and breathing techniques to help the body reset and rejuvenate.


  • 10-minute video on food prep/kitchen organization. 
  • Group “Getting Started” zoom on April 17 at 7p. Tips from Kelley and past participants. Will be recorded.
  • Access to online manual, grocery lists, meal planning suggestions, and answers to common questions.
  • Access to private group FB page for sharing experiences, questions, and comments.

May I vary the dates of my cleanse?

If you have done the cleanse with me before, you may vary your dates by up to 2 weeks. Just let me know ahead of time so we can keep in touch. If you are new to this cleanse, I prefer you stay with the dates being offered. I give lots of support throughout the cleanse and it works better when we are all on the same day together. 

An important date to pay attention to is the night of day 4 of the main cleanse. That means day 8 of the cleanse. That night you will  take a laxative (either prune juice or castor oil) so that the next morning you have complete evacuation. For 95% of people, this happens over a couple hours (or less) and otherwise you can go about your day amazed at how much energy you have and how great you feel!
That said, when you start the cleanse on a Sunday (as the dates suggest), you are taking the laxative the following Sunday. If you have to be at work at 8am that Monday and have no flexibility, consider starting the cleanse on Saturday instead of Sunday.

Over the years I’ve found that most folks appreciate Saturday for prep work in the kitchen and like starting the cleanse on Sunday. The “purge” is not going to mess up your whole morning on that Monday, but plan ahead to give yourself til 9am for any big meetings.


  • There is an important “Getting Started” zoom class on Wednesday, April 17 at 7:00pm. I will send zoom link ahead of time.
  • This call will be recorded and posted on the private Facebook page for cleanse participants.  
  • The cleanse is broken down into three 4-day segments: First 4  – Main 4  – Final 4 cleanse Days.
    The instructions for each segment are clear and easy to follow. They will be available on my website after you have registered.
  • If you are menstruating, it is preferred that you are not bleeding heavily during the main 4-day phase of the cleanse. Please plan your cleanse dates to the best of your ability.

Who should NOT do a cleanse at this time?

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding or if your body is in a weakened or debilitated state, cleansing is not recommended. If you are being treated by a doctor for any medical condition, speak with your medical professional before registering for the cleanse.

Next Steps

I look forward to working with you!